Get The Code
Each of our projects use a forked-repo and merge-oriented workflow. This means all contributors create a fork of the repository they want to contribute to and then submit pull requests to the upstream repository to have their contributions reviewed and accepted. We also recommend you work on feature branches.
Step 1: Create Your Fork
Forking is the process of creating a copy of our repository in your personal GitHub account. This only needs to be done once for each repository you want to work on.
Follow these steps to fork the appropriate Palisadoes Foundation GitHub project repositiory.
Step 2: Clone Your Fork
Cloning is the process of creating a copy of a repository on your local machine. We'll show you how to clone your fork to your local machine.
In this case will use the Talawa-Docs repository as our example:
git clone
Cloning into 'talawa'
remote: Counting objects: 86768, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 86768 (delta 5), reused 1 (delta 1), pack-reused 86752
Receiving objects: 100% (86768/86768), 112.96 MiB | 523.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (61106/61106), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
If you receive an error while cloning, you may not have added your ssh key to GitHub.
Step 3: Connect Your Local Repo to Ours
An upstream repository is the one you originally forked. You will need to connect to it so that you can easily download our latest updates when required.
- This tutorial shows how to configure an upstream remote repository for your fork of the repository.
- Configuring and upstream repository allows you to sync changes from the main project back into your fork through the repository on your local machine.
Here are the steps:
Verify the currently configured remote repository:
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push) -
Add the Upstream using the
git remote add upstream
command:$ git remote add upstream
Confirm that the new remote repository, upstream, has been configured:
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
Now your forked repository is ready for your contributions on your local machine!